Tuesday, November 30, 2004


British Mulsims let it all out - where was my invite ;)

Okay , I am moderately peaved off that I wasn't invited to this - but hey such is life.

It is all reminiscent of my university debates on Islam. But its all interesting so I would encourage you guys to read. The prescence of HT to such a large extent and the Muslim Council of Britain perturbes me in equal measure because of their releative distance from the young people they are trying to promote.

Hizb-but-Tahrir - are a minority group amongst the young and pretty rightfield. Muslim Council of Britain are a bunch of middle-class beard stroking moderate muslims who like to be invited to the parties at No. 10 Downing street and holding conferences where they get to wear suits.

My personal opinion - let's try to actually address the issues within the Muslim community as well as face the challenge from the secualr outside. Both aims are blocked by the two groups mentioned above because they are both equally clueless.

The other thing that disturbs me is the myriad of these little organisations that seemed to have cropped up lead by 9-year old students post 9/11. All of them with grand titles and not much else.

Monthy Python says "The Peoaple Front Judea" - no less

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