Friday, November 26, 2004


Whooodathunk - Ayat. Khomieni plays it out of leftfield (click on here for link)

I almost cracked up when I read this.

Kind of runs rings around the common perception in the west of Ayat. Khomieni.

It helps that Shi'ism allows Ijtihad - interpretation of Islamic law- from living scholars. This means that Transgenderdness and other issues such as AIDS can be dealt with in a breathtakingly straightforward way.

They also get clerics to do sex education for girls in schools. This is because the highest rate of HIV infection is amongst Iranian women marry a man who is a user or is practicising polygamy and has a wife who is a user. By user I mean Hash. There's no birds and bees with these guys. It's the old banana and condom routine much popularised by the Dutch.

Now if we could only get our clerics, from whatever school of thought, to tackle violence against women, drugs, sexual abuse, rape and all those other henious things that ducks for cover under long beards

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